Matthew Rinker

Software Developer, Consultant, and Data Scientist

Gemstone Design
In this design I was exploring simplicity with a basic geometric design presenting on the crown with a more complicated pavillion structure hidden beneath. Pentagon Stone Render
Fig. 1: Rendering of what a stone cut in this design could look like
Cut Instructions
Fig. 2: Cut Instructions for this design
For this design I was inspired by geometric shapes along with recursive designs. I wanted something that looked like it was concentric layers of the same pattern. Hexed Stone Render
Fig. 1: Rendering of what a stone cut in this design could look like
Cut Instructions
Fig. 2: Cut Instructions for this design
In this design I was playing with floral designs created by the interaction of windows in the crown with complicated designs on the pavillion. I went with an off center design as it reminded me of how a flower bud is never perfectly aligned. Chrysanthemum Stone Render
Fig. 1: Rendering of what a stone cut in this design could look like
Cut Instructions
Fig. 2: Cut Instructions for this design
In this design I was playing with overall shapes as well as having a visible design on the crown of the stone. To that end I decided to attempt to have a six sided shape (the Star of David) on the crown of a Trillion shaped stone. Trillion DavidV4 Stone Render
Fig. 1: Rendering of what a stone cut in this design could look like
Cut Instructions
Fig. 2: Cut Instructions for this design